Friday, August 6, 2010

What's Next ?

OK. BP to drill again, social security going in the "red". What the hell has the people we elect to run this country done? Oh, wait--- we don't elect CEO's and board members of corporations, do we? You know- maybe you should watch a movie- "ROLLERBALL" a 1974 movie that took place in the future where Corporations were in control around a game. HHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Then "SOLENT GREEN"- hope I spelled that right. Why do most of the movies from the 70's seem to spell our future. I hope I'm not here when it gets to "LOGANS RUN". My crystal would be turned to ash by now. Don't even get me started on 2012. That's a later date. GOOD LUCK. (any misspellings are not my fault)

1 comment:

  1. Interesting commentary but the problem is that the populace of this country is either asleep, dumb down or too busy watching American Idol to notice let alone care.

    - The Wanderer


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Have done a little of everything, everywhere. From one side of the planet to the other.