Saturday, August 7, 2010

"We're going to need a bigger boat"

Two Headlines that caught my attention today as I wonder through AOL. I'll see if I can get the links on here. 6 Americans Killed on Medical Mercy Mission in Afghanistan. Strange, we offer Humanitarian Aide to everyone but ourselves and it seems to be encouraged by our Government. Am I the only one who notices this? Could it be the Corporations that fund these "Missions of Mercy" get tax breaks, and , the government can use the "See, they killed our civilians" defense to justify being there. If you want to do a "Mercy Mission" do some volunteer work here at home. Instead of "shelling" out millions of $$ to a foreign country. Put it back into your community. The other "Another Bruising Month for U.S. Labor Market". No kidding didn't I go over this already?


  1. The high unemployment rate in this country continues to be staggering. Although, it officially stands at 9.5%, the reality is that it stands higher then the government would care to admit.

    Dear Mr. Obama: You have a crisis on your hands that needs immediate attention. What exactly are you doing about it?

    - The Wanderer

  2. Here's the joke of the day.

    When an employee makes a mistake he or she is terminated from their employment.

    When a disgraced CEO makes a mistake he resigns with a package worth $28 million dollars.


    - The Wanderer


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Have done a little of everything, everywhere. From one side of the planet to the other.